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At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education is a scientific publication media that focuses on research results in the field of Islamic Religious Education. This journal is published by STAI Tebingtinggi Deli. The editorial team invites experts, practitioners, lecturers and students to participate in sending the latest research results to be included in this journal. Articles that have been published in At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education are articles that have never been published in other journals. Topics discussed in At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education will focus on:
- Education Science
- Islamic Education Science
- The Science of Islamic Thought
- Islamic education
- Islamic Education Learning Resources and Media
- Islamic Education Learning Design
- Islamic Education Learning Theory
- Islamic Education Learning Strategy
- Development of Islamic Education Curriculum
- Philosophy of Islamic Education
- Educational Psychology
- Tafsir Tarbawi
- Tarbawi Hadith