Author Guidelines
Submission of a complete paper follows the guidelines below:
Articles are written in English or Indonesian and have never been published or submitted to any journal or proceedings.
Minimum article length: 10-15 A4 pages or 3000-4500 words. It should be submitted in an editable version as Microsoft Word (.Doc or .Docx) or Rich Text Format (.Rtf) and use standard typography (Times New Roman, 1.5 pt spacing, A4 size paper, 2 cm top margin, bottom 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm).
This article was written systematically as follows:
- Title: Times New Roman 14pt, bold, single spaced, space after 6 pt. The title of the article in Indonesian must describe the article clearly and be written in short and informative words, no more than 13 words.
- Author's name (with institutional affiliation and email address): 10pt Times New Roman boldface. The author's name in the article is listed without an academic degree, accompanied by the name of the institution and email. If the manuscript is written by more than one person, only the main author's e-mail is included.
- Abstract (accompanied by keywords): Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. The abstract must be clear, descriptive, and must provide a brief description of the research conducted. The abstract includes the reasons for selecting the topic or the importance of the research topic, research methods and a summary of research results. The abstract should end with a comment on the importance of the results or a brief conclusion. Abstract in one paragraph, no more than 200 words. (Times New Roman 11, single spaced, English abstract in italics).
- Introduction: The introduction provides background to the issue and helps the reader to put the article in context. In this section, the author must state the purpose of writing and the novelty of the article.
- Method: Includes a basic explanation of the method, data collection, location and time of research, type of research, analysis and interpretation of data. State the purpose of the work and provide adequate background, avoiding detailed literature surveys or summaries of results.
- Results/Findings and Discussion: Results/Findings should highlight findings rather than provide detailed research results. The discussion must answer the problem, interpret research results and findings into known knowledge, confirm and/or contrast with other researchers' research, construct new theories, and/or modify previous theories. The discussion must also contain the implications of both theoretical and implementation results.
- Conclusion: must be able to answer research objectives/questions and be presented in the form of paragraphs not bullet points.
- Reference. The minimum number of references is 25 references provided that they have been published in the last 5 years, [Times New Roman, 12, normal], 1 space.